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FREE "Free Speech Madness" pdf Textbook from Dec. 29, 2021 - Jan. 12, 2022

Writer: Corey Lee WilsonCorey Lee Wilson

FREE Free Speech Madness TEXTBOOK (offer good between Dec. 29, 2021 - Jan. 12, 2022) INSTRUCTIONS Follow the "FREE PDF From Dec. 29, 2021 - Jan. 12, 2022" link above (or the other one below), click "Add to Cart" and then click "View Cart" and then enter coupon code FREESAPIENCE during checkout and the Free Speech Madness textbook is yours free of charge. The definitive and up-to-date textbook on Free Speech Generations X, Y, and Z have been denied many sapient ideals and values as a result of free speech suppression and multi-media illiberalism. Lacking in viewpoint diversity, intellectual humility, and critical thinking skills, impressionable young minds are being imprinted by progressive ‘regressive’ indoctrination. The intellectual capital of these generations has devolved due to decades of exposure to biased and false narratives to the point where Antifa, BLM, OSF and SPLC are seen as social justice warriors—whereas conservatives, whites, Republicans, and Trump supporters are automatically depicted as privileged racist fascists. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but facts must be factual, logic be logical, and truth be truthful. These three cornerstones of sapient thought are being distorted by the trifecta of main stream media, big tech, and academia which have rejected the telos of truth, under the guise of a perverse version of social justice, and are in many ways the de-facto media arm of the Democratic Party. The pervasive results have been revealed in a variety of ways. On-campus watchdog groups have repeatedly shown how widespread disinformation is by interviewing students as to what their opinions are on, among other topics, recent Republican accomplishments under the Trump Administration. When presented with these policies, practices and their effects, a significant percentage believe they are from leading progressives, the Obama Administration, the Democratic Party, and so on. Repeatedly, the misinformed students are shocked when they discover these concepts were actually derived from more conservative sources. Every topic in Free Speech Madness provides a sapient point of view on the intellectual playing field, as opposed to the pervasive progressive lens through which virtually all topics are currently presented. For the indoctrinated, this textbook can function as a difficult but vital intervention. For the open-minded, it will be one revelation and epiphany after another. Are you a sapient being open to the unvarnished truth? If so, then Free Speech Madness is for you! Below is the chapter outline as follows. For a book sample, please follow the Free Speech Madness – TEXTBOOK SAMPLE link below. Free Speech Madness: A SAPIENT Being’s Guide to the War Against Truth, Conservative Ideals & Freedom of Speech 1. The Demise of Civil Debate, Discourse & Freedom of Speech in the USA 2. The Rise of Academia, Mainstream & Social Media Illiberalism & Intolerance 3. How Fake News Thrives With Illiberal Journalists, Social Justice Warriors & Multi-Media 4. The Mediacrats Collusion Is the Essence of Anti-Conservative Bias & Censorship 5. Illiberal Journalists Defy Facts, Logic & Universal Truths in the ‘Name of Free Speech’ 6. Progressivism's Multiculturalism + Wokeness + Cancel Culture = Free Speech Intolerance 7. Public Education Illiberalism vs. Student, Parent & Teacher Free Speech Rights 8. Marxist Critical Theory and Its Two Other Illiberal Legal and Racial Derivatives 9. Free Speech Degradation Within America's Academic, Justice, Scientific & Corporate Communities 10. American Censorship Inspired by the CCP's Totalitarian Social Credit System 11. How Big Tech’s Anti-Conservative Bias & Censorship Effect American Elections 12. Facts, Truths & Wisdom Censored by Big Tech, Government, School Boards & Academia 13. The Return of Freedom of Speech, Viewpoint Diversity, Intellectual Humility & Sapience 14. Mill vs. Marx: Free Speech Champions Rise Up Against Free Speech Suppressors 15. Freedom of Speech Models & Policies for America’s Public-Private Institutions Below is my bio so you can better understand and appreciate my viewpoint diverse, intellectually humble, and centric point-of-view. Author and CEO Biography Corey Lee Wilson was raised an atheist by his liberal Playboy Bunny mother, has three Anglo-Latino siblings, a bi-racial daughter, a brother who died of AIDS, baptized a Protestant by his conservative grandparents, attended temple with his Jewish foster parents, baptized again as a Catholic for his first Filipina wife, attends Buddhist ceremonies with his second Thai wife, became an agnostic on his own free will for most of his life, and is a lifetime independent voter. Corey felt the sting of intellectual humility by repeating the 4th grade and attended 17 different schools throughout California (and one in the Bahamas) before putting himself through college at Mt. San Antonio College and Cal Poly Pomona University (without parents and while on triple secret probation). Named Who's Who of American College Students in 1984, he received a BS in Economics (summa cum laude) and won his fraternity’s most prestigious undergraduate honor, the Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity's Shideler Award, both in 1985. As a satirist and fraternity man, Corey started Fratire Publishing in 2012 and transformed the fiction “fratire” genre to a respectable and viewpoint diverse non-fiction genre promoting practical knowledge and wisdom to help everyday people navigate safely through the many hazards of life. In 2018, he founded the SAPIENT Being to help promote freedom of speech, viewpoint diversity, intellectual humility and most importantly advance sapience in America’s students and campuses. The SAPIENT Being has three programs: Make Free Speech Again On Campus (MFSAOC), World of Writing Warriors (WOWW) and the Sapient Conservative Textbooks (SCT) all working together to promote its mission and vision of sapience. The WOWW program plans to self-publish 50 MADNESS sapient conservative textbooks in partnership with Fratire Publishing over the span of the 2020 decade in alliance with the MFSAOC program to start 50 chapters on America’s high school and college campuses by 2030.

FREE PDF version using coupon code FREESAPIENCE. The three sapient conservative textbook options regularly cost: $7.99 ePUB, $14.99 PDF or $34.99 Paperback



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